Source code for regrippy

import os
from Registry import Registry

[docs]def mactime( md5="0", name="", inode=0, mode_as_string="", uid=0, gid=0, size=0, atime=-1, mtime=-1, ctime=-1, btime=-1, ): """Formats and returns a Bodyfile-format line. All parameters are optional """ return "|".join( [ md5, name, str(inode), mode_as_string, str(uid), str(gid), str(size), str(atime), str(mtime), str(ctime), str(btime), ] )
[docs]class BasePlugin(object): """ Base class for all plugins. Provides several methods that can be used by plugins to perform common actions, like opening registry keys. :cvar str_or_list __REGHIVE__: The registry hive (or list thereof) you plugin works on :ivar Registry.Registry reg: a handle to a Registry hive :ivar logging.Logger logger: a preconfigured Logger. Use the :func:``, :func:`~BasePlugin.warning` and :func:`~BasePlugin.error` methods instead. :ivar str hive_name: the name of the hive. It will always be one of the values in `__REGHIVE__` (see :doc:`createplugin`) :ivar str hive_path: the full path to the hive file. Can be "-" if the hive was loaded from `stdin`. """ def __init__(self, reg, logger, hive_name, hive_path): self.reg = reg self.logger = logger self.hive_name = hive_name self.hive_path = hive_path
[docs] def run(self): """Main entry point of the plugin""" raise NotImplementedError("run() needs to be overriden")
[docs] def open_key(self, path): """Opens and returns a registry key :param path: the full path to a registry key :type path: str :returns: the key if it was found, otherwise `None` :rtype: Registry.RegistryKey """ try: key = return key except Registry.RegistryKeyNotFoundException: self.logger.warning("Could not open key " + path) return None
[docs] def get_currentcontrolset_path(self): """Fetches the path to CurrentControlSet :returns: the path to the `CurrentControlSet` key, or `None` if an error happened :rtype: str """ select_key = self.open_key("Select") if not select_key: return None current = select_key.value("Current").value() ccs_keyname = "ControlSet00" + str(current) return ccs_keyname
[docs] def guess_username(self, default=""): """Tries to guess the user the current NTUSER.DAT hive corresponds to :param default: what to return in case we couldn't determine the user name :type default: any type :returns: the user name, or `default` if it wasn't found :rtype: str """ # Given the following path to a hive # \\Users\\JohnDoe\\NTUSER.DAT # ^^^^^^^ # we want this part parts = self.reg.hive_name().split("\\") if len(parts) < 2: return default return parts[-2]
[docs] def display_human(self, result): """Displays a result to a human. By default, it display the path and value of the result. :param result: the result to display :type result: regrip.PluginResult """ print(result.path, "=>", result.value_name, f"[{result.value_data}]")
[docs] def display_machine(self, result): """Displays a result for further processing by a machine (piping into mactime for example). :param result: the result to display :type result: regrip.PluginResult """ print(mactime(name=result.path, mtime=result.mtime))
[docs] def warning(self, msg): """Logs a message at WARNING level""" self.logger.warning(msg)
[docs] def error(self, msg): """Logs a message at ERROR level""" self.logger.error(msg)
[docs] def info(self, msg): """Logs a message at INFO level"""
[docs]class PluginResult(object): """A class which holds a single result of a plugin execution :ivar dict custom: a `dict` you can use to store custom data for your result :ivar int mtime: the "last-modified" time. Automatically set if you pass the `key` parameter. :ivar int atime: the "last-accessed" time. :ivar int ctime: the "last-changed" time. :ivar int btime": the "created" time. :ivar str path: complete path to the key. Automatically set if you pass the `key` parameter. :ivar str key_name: last part of the key path. Automatically set if you pass the `key` parameter :ivar str value_type: the value type :ivar str value_name: the name of the Value :ivar value_data: the actual value data. The variable type depends on the type of the value. """ def __init__(self, *, key=None, value=None): self._key = key self._value = value self.custom = {} self.path = None self.mtime = 0 self.atime = 0 self.ctime = 0 self.btime = 0 self.value_type = None self.value_name = None self.value_data = None if key: self.path = key.path() self.mtime = int(key.timestamp().timestamp()) self.key_name = if value: self.value_name = self.value_type = value.value_type_str() self.value_data = value.value()